Garden Garden Update June 23, 2014 Adam Goerdt I think I planted too many beans. This is one week worth, not counting what we've eaten/given away Baby Cucumbers Purple leaves and purple flowers will soon lead to purple peppers
Garden First Hints May 3, 2013 Adam Goerdt The first crops have started to come up. I can hardly wait! Lettuce Daikon Bush Beans
Garden Asparagus! April 12, 2013 Adam Goerdt First haul of asparagus. This is the second year it’s been in the ground so I’m only picking about half of it.
Garden Picked a gigantic carrot this morning September 29, 2012 Adam Goerdt I call him Big George 13" long and wider than my forearm Here he is next to his brothers I'm going to need more dip
Garden First Lettuce September 22, 2012 Adam Goerdt The first lettuce I’ve ever cultivated. Planted a little less than two months ago.
Garden Harvest! August 6, 2012 Adam Goerdt Picked a lot of goodies from the garden yesterday so I got a few pictures. Two onions and a handful of strawberriesCarrots and green pepper Carrots and green pepper Green Onion Green Onion pancake