Picked a lot of goodies from the garden yesterday so I got a few pictures.

Here’s another example of some interesting set of artwork by Nagai Hideyuki.
More sketches can be found at Nagai Hideyuki’s website
The portrait below is from the Constellation series by artist Kumi Yamashita and was created with a single strand of black thread woven around thousands of small galvanized nails.
More at Kumi Yamashita’s website
Below is a small collection of websites which host free woodworking plans. I hope others find them as useful as I do
And for loads of general handyman information check out Hammerzone
I recently came across exploit-exercises.com which hosts Linux virtual servers which contain a number of vulnerabilities and hints on how to exploit them, although I haven’t yet had a chance to try any of them.
exploit-exercises.com provides a variety of virtual machines, documentation and challenges that can be used to learn about a variety of computer security issues such as privilege escalation, vulnerability analysis, exploit development, debugging, reverse engineering.
Here’s a beautiful work by Keith Loutit. It uses 100% live-action footage taken through a tilt-shift lens to simulate a miniature scene.
The original can be found Here
A man travels the world and takes 1 second of footage at each location
This is part one of a three part compilation, the rest of which can be found Here