I recently picked up a new-to-me planer from craigslist and after lugging it home came to the conclusion that I needed a small and mobile planer stand. After a bit of searching through a Google image search for 'planer stand' I stumbled across thisContinuing on to the website I saw that the person who designed it also posted plans. Looks like I need to get to work.The stand and tables can be cut from a single 4x8 sheet of plywood. I had some MDF leftover from the workbench build so I used have a sheet of plywood and some MDF. If I had to do it again I would have left the MDF in the scrap pile. Here are the four pieces of the frame cut to sizeI used a circular saw to cut the angles for the sides. I thought the pieces that I cut off were waste but they proved to be quite usefulSquaring the sides.Here is the finished frame. The support pieces in the corner were cut from the leftover material from the side panels.Materials for the infeed and outfeed tables cut to size. The support rails were cut so that the tables will be aligned with the planer. It was a trial-and-error process to get the height correctAssembled infeed and outfeed tablesGluing some rails to support the legsAdding a 90 degree brace for the legsHinges were also cut from the leftover material from the side panelsGluing the hinge to the top of the stand. After the glue dries a single screw is inserted from to bottom for extra support. The plans I found used casters but I went with the HTC2000 base.After the hinges were affixed to both sides I added the tables. The outfeed table was cut so that it rests about 1/64" below the planer table. I used some shims to raise the infeed table so it rests about 1/64" above the planer table.Stretching her legsFolded up for storage
Credit for the design and plans go to Jeff Makiel from the Sawmill Creek forums